Saturday, February 7, 2009

Quarter 8 Work

It's been a long while since I had the chance to update this site. So, I decided to skip a few quarters of work and continue posting some other work of mine that I'm proud of. Enjoy.

8th Quarter Character Animation Class

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Quarter 4-5 work

Quarter 4-5 work

Game Modeling: My Lizard Creature design

3D principles Tank

Quarters 2-3 work

The images below this Blog post were from Quarter 1.

Here are a few more from later quarters (2-3):
Human Gesture (Figure of the Pose)

Perspective Study


I thought I would create a blog site to display my artwork and progress throughout my college experiece. Plus, my friends have one and my teachers recommended I create one.

Well, as the quarters go by, I'll be posting some of my work. However, I'd like to start off by posting some of my earlier work. Some go as far back as my high school days. I'm just so proud of my progress. I've learned a lot and have so much more to learn and improve on.


Anatomy Study (Mostly Human but some Animal)

Digital Painting of Iron Spider-Man (Comic style done on Photoshop...with a mouse!)

T-Shirt Design

Skull ontop and gesture poses on bottom